Cameron Embree

About Cameron

I am a software engineer from beautiful Southern California. A native Californian and Eagle Scout, you can find me hiking, biking, camping, and scuba diving. Sometimes I take photos along the way.

I follow developments in Java, Wasm, autonomous vehicles, remote sensor technology, technical alpine clothing, and regenerative organic farming. My daily hacking supports Patagonia software but in my off time I explore the sunny California coast and take on projects.

I am passionate about environmental preservation and would love to someday tie that directly into my work. If you want to chat, please get in touch!


Software Developer @ Patagonia May 2018 - Current
  • Contribute to technical design specs and implement/test enhancements/fixes for both FlexPLM and D365FO systems
  • Leverage monitoring tools to identify where code or UI changes can most benefit users in PLM and D365
  • Implemented an automated return process that eliminated a several month long warehouse backlog caused by COVID
  • Implemented a new exchanges processes saving dozens of Call Center hours yearly and streamlined the customer experience
  • Create Azure Functions to improve scalability of some internal services
  • Co-lead version control support answering Git questions, fixing branches, enforcing Gitflow, approving PR's, and more
  • Reduced PLM system downtime by creating automated CI/CD pipelines in Azure DevOps
  • Helped give away more than $1,000,000 to grassroots enviro causes as a member of the Enviro Grants Committee
Java X++ C# D365FO FlexPLM JMC IntelliJ VisualStudio VSCode Git Azure Azure DevOps Agile
Software Team Lead @ NAVAIR, U.S. Navy Mar 2017 - May 2018
  • Led agile software team of 2-3 full time developers and 2 interns on EW post-flight test software
  • Gathered requirements, user stories, and prioritized tasking for devs based on stakeholder priorities
  • Re-architected data aggregation software that reduced memory footprint to improve hardware requirements
  • Reduced aircraft to threat data analysis from days to minutes by architecting and impementing an automated analysis framework
  • Developed an agile process that met organizational waterfall measures while delivering products faster
  • Supported several data collection missions in remote locations successfully
Java JavaFX C++ C# RaptorX IntelliJ YouTrack JUnit Mercurial Leadership Kanban
Software Engineer @ NAVAIR, U.S. Navy July 2015 - Mar 2017
  • Develop visualization tools that analyze defensive EW flight test data on a globe using a plugin to RaptorX
  • Redesigned, developed, and tested Java Swing based UI visualization components to fulfill user needs
  • Generated tasking, directed work, answered questions, and mentored five interns concurrently
  • Architected and built a tool to convert many concurrent real-time UAV TSPI data sources to a secure network
  • Refactored and tested critical parts of user interfaces on a live test range without impacting operations
Java Swing C C++ C# RaptorX IntelliJ VisualStudio YouTrack JUnit Mercurial SVS UX Design Agile
Summer Intern @ CERN, Switzerland Summers 2013 & 2014
  • Created features and improved efficiency of visualization software comparing data to simulations
  • Found and fixed a multi-year long bug that resolved a discrepancy between data and simulation
  • Improved efficiency and reduced memory footprint of existing algorithms reducing job times by 30%
  • Identified multiple bugs using gdb and contributed to patches
C++ Bash Ubuntu Git SVN Agile
Software Developer @ CI Raindow, CSU Channel Islands 2014-2015
  • Tested and built hardware and software tools for a remote audio sensor
  • Created robust environment setup using Bash and custom parsed configuration files
  • Spoke with team daily via Git hub and Redmine for project management and bug reporting
  • Wrote both user documentation and internal documentation for future developers
C++ Python Bash Linux Git Google Test Redmine Scrum
Tutor CS, Math, Physics @ CSU Channel Islands 2012-2015
  • Coordinated and run workshops for undergrads in formal logic and object oriented design
  • Directed groups of students with varying experience to complete projects in Java using IDEs
  • Guided student exploration of online resources to promote their future independent success
  • Balanced tutoring multiple students in different courses and levels at the same time
C++ C Java Bash Communication Organisation Course Development
Biomedical Imaging Teacher's Assistant @ CSUCI Physics Dept 2013-2014
  • Taught classes, developed and graded coursework for several imaging courses
  • Helped manage course material for medical imaging and digital image processing courses
  • Addressed student questions with timely responses, individual tutoring, and flexible office hours
C++ Mathematica SPSS Biomedical Imaging Teaching Lesson Plans
Research Assitant @ CSUCI Math Dept 2012-2013
  • Examined skeletal shape modeling techniques to compress shape data
  • Used Mathematica to optimize testing of competing model strategies
  • Tracked research progress daily using an online forum and weekly by updating a research paper
Mathematica Matlab Mathematics Communication Research Technical Writing


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B.S. Computer Science
B.S. Mathematics
Minor Applied Physics
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Summa Cum Laude
CS Department Honors
Dean's List
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CERN Particle Physics
Shape compression
20+ presentations


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Converter for binary, octal, decimal, and hex. Includes ASCII and unicode lookup.

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Terminal audio recording and analysis framework. Made for RPi but open to Linux.

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A 1024 game varient designed to explore Mathematics graphics and matrix play.

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Lightweight terminal app to generate simple main files for different languages.

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Inf Lang Checker

Check if a grammar results in an infinite language.

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C++ JSON Generator

Programmatically generates JSON formatted files in C++.

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cse [at] cameronembree [dot] com